Get started

Create a new shop

To create a new shop you need to go in the shop folder (FlareTokens/shop) and create a new .yml file, the shop name will be the file name.

After the file is created and named correctly, you can continue configurating the menu.

Create a main shop

To enable the shop you need to go in plugin configuration (config.yml) and locate shop category, from there you can change the main shop, to enable the shop just make enable: false to true

  # Rather if you want to have the shop enabled.
  enable: true
  # This could use the mobcoins base command (ex: /mobcoins) to open the shop.
  open_command: "tokenshop"
  # Add the shop file name (Example for "shop.yml" just shop). (Shops are added in the shop folder)
  main_shop: main

The name of main shop needs to be the file name from FlareTokens/shop the file extension is ignored.

If you want to add more commands to open the main shop, do like so:

  # Rather if you want to have the shop enabled.
  enable: true
  # This could use the mobcoins base command (ex: /mobcoins) to open the shop.
    - "tokenshop"
    - "command2"
  # Add the shop file name (Example for "shop.yml" just shop). (Shops are added in the shop folder)
  main_shop: main

If you want to open the shop from other plugin like Citizen or Menus plugins you need to use:

/tokens shop %player_name%

Last updated