Basic menu

In the shop.yml file you can add those proprieties.

Size or Menu Type (Required)

In our menus you can choose the size of a normal chest using:menu_title: "Shop title example"

size: 45

The size has to be a multiple of 9 (9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54)

If you want to use a custom container you have to remove the size property and add:

menu_type: FURNACE

You can check this website for more menu types:

Open Commands

If you desire to have custom commands to open your menu you need to use those proprieties:

# If you want one command: 
open_command: "open command"
# If you want more then one use: 
  - "open"
  - "command2"
Open Requirement

Panel Variables

This feature is not yet available

Items (Panel content)

Last updated